Stop finding the next steps after a sales call tricky
The Invitation System is the easiest template kit for service providers who want to convert more leads (in a streamlined way!).

"I booked another dream client!"

"After the sales call, I sent the proposal and I booked the client the same day. It only took me 10 minutes to create the proposal too with the help of your template! Thank-you."

— Michelle, Virtual Assistant

Even though you are getting in front of new leads you're still facing some BIG hurdles with booking them.
YOU shouldn’t have to be working hard for the lead to convert. Your systems should be doing that for you.
How would it feel to book clients with ease?

Imagine if you knew exactly what to do to…

Create a branded proposal in 10 minutes after a sales call so they can book the same day
Know exactly what to say post sales call so you can get leads to make an informed decision
Communicate your value to a potential client without sounding salesy and cringy
The struggle ends today, friend.
Introducing The Invitation System
The exact proposal system that allowed me to book clients within an hour of our sales call

Who am I and why should you trust me with booking clients? Great question!

Hey I'm Hannah

I know that you dream about scaling your service business, so you can do more of what you love. But in order to do that, you need to find more clients AND convert them… ideally without spending hours upon hours every week

I’ve been in your shoes. And I also know it isn’t always easy — no one prepared you for when you said YES to launching your business that you've not only got to do the client work, but you've got to book clients too - and consistently. 

1 year into my VA agency, I had an 80% conversion rate on my sales calls. I went from sweating in nerves before my sales process began, to knowing that it confidently worked in a way that didn't rely heavily on me. So, I wrapped up my learnings into this system! I still use it to this day, and now I want to share it with you

The Invitation System is a 3-step process

Pre-Sales Call
Reduce no-shows and being ghosted with a semi-automated process that connects with them before the sales call happens

Sales Call
Have a fun, no pressure sales call so that they can feel supported in their decision making process
Post Sales Call
Create a proposal that wows potential clients with a follow up email that converts.
I’m pulling back the curtain on the exact system that gave me 80% conversion rates

What’s Included
Pre-Sales Call Email Template
Use the automated email template that I send when someone fills out my lead inquiry form AND the email template I send once I have vetted them to book

a sales call.

Sales Call Training
Know exactly how to structure your sales call so they don’t drain all your time

and energy

Post-Sales Call Template
The exact email template you can send with your proposal that will clarify next steps for the potential client and help them feel that you are the right

choice for them!

Did someone say bonuses?

I’ve also included these bonuses, to help you book your next client faster.

Proposal Canva template
The AMAZING Alecia, from The Modern Artisan, has designed a plug and play proposal template that will make booking a breeze!

The AMAZING Alecia, from The Modern Artisan, has designed a plug and play proposal template for Dubsado that will make booking a breeze!

No brainer offer training
This training helps you feel confident in your pricing and offer so that it’s a no brainer YES for your potential client

Sales Page Copy Template & Lead Form Template
Present your offer in a way that has your clients wanting to book with you and Know the exact questions to ask a lead in your initial inquiry form

Sneak Peek Inside

It’s a total value of $2,500+ for just $97!
Sales Email Templates- pre and post sales call ($1000 VALUE) 
  Proposal Template - Canva & Dubsado($1500 VALUE) 
  Sales Call Training ($300 VALUE)

Let’s recap. With this offer, you will:

Know exactly who (and who NOT) to get on a sales call with

Send a pre-sales call template that reduces no-shows

Structure your sales calls to minimise time without sacrificing connection and conversion

Send a proposal post-sales call within 10 minutes of the sales call

Learn an unbeatable strategy for booking clients

This offer is perfect for you if…

You’re a B2B service provider (e.g. social media manager, VA, designer, etc)

You want a system that you can rely on to book your clients each time you get on a sales call even if you're not good at sales

You need help with how to approach potential clients

Questions you might be asking yourself right now...
  • Why is this only $97? What’s the catch?
    No catch. I feel compelled to help other service providers book more clients and this sales strategy is the best way I know how. It saddens me to see service providers spend hours creating prospoals and so much time going back and forth in sales conversations in the DMs.
  • How long does it take to implement?
    You can watch the training and create a propsoal within a day. I know your time is valuable, so I don’t want to waste it with trainings you don’t need.
  • How long will I get access for?
    Lifetime access to the content
  • What if I change my mind — can I get my money back?
    If you’re not satisfied with it, neither am I. I do offer refunds but before I do, I try and workshop with you how to get your results first. If you want to convert more leads, I will be here to help you do just that. This doesn't help with finding leads, just converting the ones you do have.
Book a new client easily, today!

Total Value: $2,500+
Today’s Price: $97

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Invitation System$97

All prices in USD

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Due to the digital nature of this product, refunds are not offered.